Thursday, September 14, 2006

It aint that serious folks ....
Rage Over MySpace Photo Leads to Arrest
Thursday, September 14, 2006
(09-14) 10:33 PDT Mesa, Ariz. (AP) --

A 22-year-old woman was arrested after authorities say she tried to hire someone to kill another woman whose photo appeared on her boyfriend's Web page.

Heather Michelle Kane was booked Tuesday for investigation of conspiracy to commit murder, Mesa Detective Jerry Gissel said.

She was arrested after she met an undercover Mesa police detective at a grocery store, gave the officer $400 and offered to pay an additional $100 once the woman had been killed, according to court records.

The records say Kane gave the undercover officer photographs taken from her boyfriend's social networking Web page of the woman she wanted killed. She also requested a photo of the woman's dead body.

It wasn't clear if the boyfriend and the targeted woman were romantically involved, Gissel said.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Today, September 13th, marks the ten year anniversary since the murder of Tupac Shakur aka 2Pac aka Makaveli. Tupac was a rap artist, an actor and an incredible poet. His songs and words spanned to many demographics, sending messages out on anything from growing up in the hood, politics, racism, fueds with other artist, love and family. Known to be one of the most incredible rappers of all time, he has been ranked by many fans, critics, and industry insiders as the greatest; even accomplishing a spot in the Guinness Book of World Records as the best-selling rap/hip-hop artist ever. Northeastern University, NYU, University of Pennsylvania, University of California (Berkeley) and Harvard have all provided courses and lectures on Tupac's work and the impact of his words, even after his death a decade ago.

I remember back in high school, every weekend before I went out, I absolutly could not get ready without hearing two songs of his songs:

America's Most Wanted ft. Snoop Dogg
Hit em Up

Don't know why I liked them, they just always go me pumped! Anyway, in memory of this modern day prophet, send me comments on what Tupac means to you ... Haters? Don't bother.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I Love This Man!

Our Brit boy Banksy aka the "guerrilla artist" has done it again ... he's placed a life-size replica of a Guantanamo Bay prisioner inside Disneyland's Big Thunder Mountain Railroad attraction. This guy is amazing! He's known for switching classic master pieces in art museums with his own fakes, and last week he replaced 500 of Paris Hilton's cds with his own version of a cover: topless and having the head of a dog. My boy Ed introduced me to him and I've been a fan of his stunts ever since.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Today, my post is dedicated to the lives lost five years ago in the September 11th catastrophe. The lives of men, women, children, christians, muslims, atheists, liberals, conservatives, gays, straights .... all people now gone. Though all different, one common thing killed them: HATE and GREED. Today is not about taking anger and using it as a valid reason to retaliate with violence. Just as the hijackers on the plane are to blame, our own government is as well.

Everyday you should question what's really happening in this world, in this country, behind the black curtain. Also, I ask that you dedicate each day to peace, compassion and helping those in need. Life is short. Don't waste it on hate, but dedicate it to loving and helping others.


Friday, September 08, 2006

Knock of the Week

This song always reminds me of summer and now that our most recent one has come to an end, I decided to put it up as a farwell. Have a great weekend!

Felicia ft Krayzie Bone

"It's all Good"

Party Party Party

Friday, September 01, 2006

Okay! I just had a damn near siezure in my little office just now people. Can someone please tell me why Justin Timberlake is THE SHIT? As a former dancer, the choreography is the first thing I take into notice when watching a stage performance. I checked the his lil twinkle toes and they were on point last night at the VMAs. Ya the music is great too, but I can just watch his lil southern butt move like that all night ...

Knock of the Week

Hello my Yucatan squabblers,

Please welcome the Vanilla Ice for 2006: Kevin Ferdeline. Because playing golf, smoking, eating Cheetos, scratching his lollies and watching Oprah all day isn’t enough, K-Fed has brought livin lavish to a whole other level. By continuing to ride on the coat-tail of his famous baby poppin wife, he’s decided to torture us with the usual recycled “up in the club” lyrics with a video to match. Oh, if only I could be a video hoe …

Tonight is also Khianna's Birthday celebration at El Rio. Come out for beer, shitty chardonnay and nachos. It's about to be gargantuan. Yukka.