Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Tonight we celebrate Kim$Billz (GG), her sister Cherrie (GG) and Asa (Huf Set) birthdays!! Last night at Azul, was pre-party numero uno, tonight is the second throw down and we finally have the private(sorry) party at the Mob Deep Show come Sunday.

Hope to see you there!

PS- Rumor has it Ruckus Magazine is also throwing a party tonight at Milk.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

SF, you so cwazy!

At the Bay to Breakers I took about 25 photos, but these are the best ones. It was such a blast! I would post more, but Blogspot can be really annoying and unable to function properly right when I need it to. These just show the debauchary at its best:

By the end of the race, I ended up stranded, but not alone, for I came across the house I grew up in and they still hold the best fuckin memories for me. This is a picture of my initials and foot print from 1998 in a cement block. It brings a tear to my eye ...

Blogspot won't let me post any more pics for some reason. Assholes.


Monday, May 22, 2006


Wednesday night: Kim$Billz(GG), Cherrie(GG) and Asa(Huf Set) are having a joint pre bday party. Yee! Can't wait! Super duper hyphy hyphy ...

... and then the very next night:

Memorial Day weekend:

Oh, it's gonna be retarded and I'm gonna be broke. It's totally worth it. Totally.


Friday, May 19, 2006

Get Ur Bars Up

Yes! Yes! Yes! Hmmmm, it's Friday my love and that means HC is a lil crazy today. All my friends have been out of town, but now thier back and ready to join me in my fight for some bam boozlin'! Yesterday was a tough day for me, for a close friend of mine and I decided to part ways, so you know what I did to make myself feel better? Dropped $250 mutha fuckin deneros at H&M, then went to a kickboxing class, came home only to discover my roomates were having a taco making party, so I was in heaven with beans in my teeth to prove it .... oh, not a pretty picture huh? Anyway, I've decided that everything in life happens for a reason and if it's meant to be, it's meant to be.

Today's horoscope for me (Sagittarius) actually hits it right on the mark (don't lie, you read horoscopes too biotch):

"Achieving the perfect balance in life is next to impossible -- but you need to make the effort today. Pay attention to your 'must haves' in life and fight for them! You must have respect, you must have freedom and you must have affection. Finding all three in one place is tough, but entirely possible. Evaluate your current situation and ask for what you're missing. An uncomfortable sacrifice may be required, but in the end you'll thank yourself for fighting for what you believe in: yourself. "

Ok, keep it movin, that's what I'm about. Good.


I swear, Azul is the thumper! Inconseivable! Not only is it a great Tuesday venue thanks to Mega, but I hear it's the new Friday night spot ... hmmmm, I'll let you know. It should be crack-a-lackin! Big Will aka The Scorpion King of WWS magzine is throwing a party there tonight and has invited me, therefore I'm inviting you:

Friday, May 19, 2006
Azul & Distortion Static presents
w/ WWS On-Line Magazine
9pm-2am $5 cover after 10pm

DJ's Beats Me, Nobtle T, Chicken Scratch, Ezra, and Chill Will flip the wax on the 1's & 2's. Throwin down Funk, Reggae, and Dancehall. Yadada Boo Boooo!

Also tonight our friends from PST (LeVende Thursdays) are throwing a get down at Club 6. Now it's unfortch for me to mention this, but Club 6 is a little sketchy to me, because thier security/bartenders are more than happy to throw down with you. On more than one occasion, my friends (male and female) have gotten into scuffles with them ... er, whtevs. BUT! There is a fashion show which just might be worth it:

LOTUS: Love Of True Urban Style
An ambient blend of urban flair Hosted by Carlito (PST)
Performances by Co-Deez Boogieshack DJs:
Tim D
DJ Juice

An Eclectic Fashion Show featuring:
Ire Clothing
Nopal Clothing
Redefine Design

TIME: 9pm-2am


Also, this Sunday is the famous Bay to Breakers in SF. For being a born and raised native, I've never actually participated in the event, but this is the year I'm gonna finally do it. Who doesn't want to dress half naked and get drunk at 9 in the morning? NOT ME! Hope everyone can come out and join me and my Good Girls. Bring the Sparx sucka.

Later that night, Shezilla and Mally Jesus get hyphy with some ignorant rap shit at the Madrone Lounge from 8pm-12am fo fwee .... oh, don't gripe bouts the 12am ending. Some of us actually have regular jobs Monday mornings you ingrates. You know I love you, right? See you there!



Thursday, May 18, 2006


Ya, so ummmmmm heard the Huf/Hundreds party was fuckin bananas!!!! LP calls me like,

"Girl. Honey. Sweetie. Frisco was in the mutha fuckin building. We showed them how we get get down in the Bay, get hyphy and do the damn thaaaaaaaannnnnggggggggggggg! It was blast!"

The ladies and gents even stayed out there for an extra night because they were recieving so much love. Thank you LA for taking care of my folks. I'm bitter for not going, but then I aint.

Here's some shots I stole off the Hundreds site (thanks):

In this crowd shot, you see Ezra on the left (tallest cat in the shot), Jammon dancing with the blonde and my girl LP right between with the cute lil head band on. Bay in the buildin!

Mega, the party producer himself

The HYPHIEST of the Huf clan, Jammon and Asa. Fuck ya!

Ok, yes that girl in the white and stripes is cute, but take a looksy at my girls right behind her walking your way. It's Foxy Janelle and LP chattin it up.


Last but not least, we got the offical "You Tube" video. You can't go to a party anymore without someone taping you as you swerve and sway, talking about what a great time you had. It's replaced drunk dialing. You reach more people this way and it's captured forever. Yee! Ok, so here we go. Party is over, no one wants to go home. In the beginning of the clip, we hear Kieth chirp chirpin and then Jammon and Asa say farewell.

Funny ..... I'm acting like I was actually there ... wish I was, but after this first blast off, there will be many more to come!

PS- Where was Kim$Billz in these shots, huh?


Wednesday, May 17, 2006


AND it has my baby's daddy Justin Timberlake makin' special appearances ...

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

CITY of GOD part 2

133 dead in 5 days? This is insanity, what's wrong with these people?

This is a picture of a security officer being held hostage in one of San Paulo's jails:

Another security guard being held in Parana:

I mean ... I'm at a lost for words. You really only see these types of things happening in the movies. You know they happen, but we still lay our heads down at night not even worried about it. This is just troubling to me ... I'm just gonna add it to my list of fucked up things in this world, right next to Bush and Iran's uranium enrichment program.

I'm sorry folks, today was just a depressing day for me. I'll be back to my old self in no time.

Please take care and love all those around you.


Friday, May 12, 2006

BLAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Blah. Boo. Poo.

Yup, that pretty much sums up how I feel right now. It's Friday and gorgeous outside. My friends free from the 9 to 5 cubicles are frolicking in the City streets, spending cash dolla dolla billz in little vintage shops, drinking mamosas and waiting for me to get a life.

I DO however, read something funny on my new favorite site:

HIPSTER: C'mon, there's another train, quit holding the doors. God.
MAN SQEEZING PAST DOORS: Oh, shut the fuck up. I'm late for work. What are you late for? The vintage stores aren't even open yet.

--Uptown N train, Union Square

HA! I like that one. Ok, now for some serious stuff ....There's something I'd like to acknowledge right here and now for all 3 of you who read my blog. My dearest friend Dubb aka The Pitbull got the shit beat out of her by 5 or 6 girls Tuesday night and no one knows why she deserved something so unfair, so unjust, so ridiculous. She ended up with a black eye, a knot above her forehead, busted lips, kick and scratch marks up and down her back, bashed up elbows, knees and hands and of course ... a gorgeous smile (praise the Lord it didn't end up a toothless one). I don't understand why or how this happened, but it did and karma's a bitch. I mean seriously, Dubb could have died by the hands of these wack, punk-ass heffas. What if they kicked her in a certain vertabrae in her back and she ended up paralyzed? What if they punched her in the head so severely, she had brain damage for the rest of her life? Six fucking girls on one ??!!! Are they out of thier mind?! UHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!

I'm done.


Thursday, May 11, 2006

I really like ...

That's it. Bye.




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Oh vey! The Huf Boyz are throwing a lil get together tonight in Hayes Valley for Massan's Bday and you gotta come fitted in some severe stunna shades my dude. Prizes will be given, shots will be taken and kisses will be stolen, so come ready!

Place Pigalle
520 Hayes St
Frisco, Cali

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Also LADIES, stop by True on Haight when you can. The Brown Babies just released thier Spring/Summer 06 line today and the shirts are so serious. Honestly, they're kinda over priced, but whatevs. I'm still promoting them aren't I? Also- the hottest female crews (MAMA, HellBellz and MOB) will be droppin thier lines soon, but not soon enough. MAMA has this gorgeous monogram print shirt that I need need need. Can't wait! These boys around the Sco think they come fitted, but just wait for my City girls to come up. The fellas will finally get a run for thier money. SHA BOO YA!

Now more than ever, we gotta get the Good Girls line up and runnin ... yes, more on that thought later.


Thursday, May 04, 2006

Kid #1: Paper beats rock. BAM! Your rock is blowed up!

Kid #2: "Bam" doesn't blow up, "bam" makes it spicy. Now I got a SPICY ROCK! You can't defeat that!

-- Overheard on the 6 Train in New York

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


MAY 16th, 2006

Road trip time! Our favorite boys from Huf are doin' a collabo with The Hundreds and having a little party in Hollywood to celebrate ...


Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Win my heart

Brown Babies, MOB, MAMA and Hellz Bellz will all be dropping thier Spring o6 line within the next week or 3!!!

So ummmmm, small or mediums are good for me ... thanks.


Monday, May 01, 2006


Good morning friends! I had a bonanza of a weekend, did you? Grab some coffee, it's re-cap time.

1. Alicia's 21st birthday party.

I couldn't carry my camera in my little purse, so taking a lot of photos wasn't really an option. Actually ...... I really didn't give a hoot, I just wanted to run around like a chicken with it's head cut off! Still, I snuck in a few shots here and there for your visual pleasure:

Me, Dubb, Alicia, Kadeesha

Our friend Robert from LA (whom we met in Miami) came up with his cousin Sergio for the festivites. Is it just me, or does he look a lil constipated???

Don't let the angel face fool you. We call this one The Pitbull.

Sexy KimBill$ and Abdul the Nerd.
Her dress was a 30 yr old vintage piece and fit that bod like a damn glove!

Hey baby *wink*

The princess herself

Gabriella, creator of MAMA Clothing and Ms Vintage Liz makes an appearance. Love them! See her Chanel acrylics? Oh la la!

These boys right here have gone through a lot latley, and yet they still come out to get down and wish home girl a happy birthday.

Uhhhhhh! The Liquor Store Boys are so tough!

Come 1:45am, I'm freaked out because we never stocked the hotel room with drank before we left (had to get the hair done, you know? Priorities people!). LP and I rush over to the liquor store, she handles business, get back to Azul, swoop the party folks up (5 cars deep) and jam pack the telly. Turns out, Alicia was a little more then tipsy, so honey wittle bunny went to beddy by and everyone else got kicked the fuck out. Oops! By the end of the evening, the girls were spread out through the City. It's a wrap!


2. Afternoon Delight

I. LOVE. SUNDAYS.The weather yesterday was absolutly fabulous and the heat felt so amazing! I hung out with a friend all day yesterday at Crissy Field and The Palace of Fine Arts taking pictures and strollin' along, enjoying the weather. For a $200 Kodak digi, my shots aren't that bad, huh?

San Francisco's International Film Festival is here and last night, a friend and I went to see a beautiful movie titled "Solo Dias Sabe". THIS MOVIE WAS CRAZY! It was beautifully done and I recommend it to anyone who wants to take an afternoon to tap into thier spiritual/emo side. Fuck ya!

I'm too lazy to give you a direct click, so copy and paste this link into a search box to read more about the movie and what the SFIFF has to offer all you movie buffs.

DON'T FORGET!!! Our fellow nieghbor needs your help! Protesting and demonstrating for immigration rights is happening today on Market St. and all through this country. Wanna help your friend? Your co-worker? Your grocery clerk? Your mail man? Your florist? Your hairdresser? Your bartender? Your best friend? Your mom? Your bf/gf? Get the fuck out there and say something then! This wouldn't be America if we didn't have a plethora of races and ethnicities working together and making this country thrive like it does.