Thursday, June 29, 2006

I'm back.

Ya ............. so ummmm, I've been kinda living under a rock lately. I'm not happy AT ALL with the social scene in Frisco right now and I've been completly unmotivated to write about anything going on, since I would rather spend a majority of my time at home with my fabulous roomies, a good movie and a bottle of wine.

Although, there are a few things I want to post here and there, so let's get to it:

In celebration with the DVD release of "Just for Kicks", the creators have released the first electronic goodie bag, free for all fans. Cop yours while you can! Inside you'll find ....

Just for Kicks Computer Screen Saver
A 10% off e-coupon to use with any purchase at thier web store
6 Just for Kicks computer background images (JPG)
The official Just for Kicks Poster(pdf) & The official Just for Kicks postcard(pdf)
An animated web banner(gif) // link it to
Eight exclusive film clips (Quicktime) - instructions and links on how to download them. 4 of the clips are about 3 minutes and the other 4 are 1 1/2 minutes (shorter versions of the same cut)

They feature:
Sneaker Culture
Collectors Closets
Stick Up Stories
Run DMC / My Adidas story

As a Special Offer from thier friends at Run Athletics, the first 24 people who buy the Just for Kicks DVD at our web store using the E-Coupon will find in the bag a FREE pair of Run Atlhetics
exclusive sneakers.


Pharrell got together recently with Marc Jacobs to design a new stunna shade line for Louis Vuitton. They're fabulous! Introducing "The Millionaries"


Nas has just teamed up with MIke (one of my favorite brands) for a new advertisment debuting in XXL. Damn, it's quite simply the best combination. Ever.

Our very own Keith Hufnagel teamed up with his good friend/amazing designer Benny Gold to talk to Adidas Adicolor about skating in the early 90s and how the Embarcadero was the mecca back then.

I also wanted to sneak in this clip done on Dave's Quality Meats in NY. I really like the lighting, the music and just all around vibe that Adidas is trying to put out there for these guys. A lot of people don't know much about the history behind the pioneers of street/skate fashion. It's pretty dope.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Friday 6/23/06


Reality Check

I know that my blog is suppose to be about the little parties happening in SF and all the fun my friends and I have, but once in awhile a person has to stop and take notice of what's really going on outside theses gorgeous sky scrapers and beyond our Bay waters. Things are still happening in this world that we can't keep turning our back on and it's only going to get worse ....

I just read that the two soldiers that went missing last week in Iraq have been recovered. Supposedly, their murder was extremely brutal and barbaric and their bodies were just left to rot on the side of the road. Al-Qaida in Iraq claimed responsibility for killing the soldiers, and said the successor to slain terror leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi had "slaughtered" them and slit their throats in retaliation.

Thomas L. Tucker, 25 yrs old from Madras, Oregon.

Kristian Menchaca, 23 yrs old from Houston, Texas.

I'm just going to repeat what has been said for the last couple of disastrous years: The war in Iraq is completely senseless and useless and it will never, ever be resolved. Iraq's innocent civilians are being killed on a daily basis, either by our American hands or in the hands of their own country's suicide militants. The same goes for our American boys and girls who go over there trying to escape a dead-end-low-income-small-town and want to become the local hero.

What's next, North Korea and their dumb missile testing? Iran and their uranium enrichment? Another fucking war to start that we can't finish?

Will it ever end and if so, will it end peacefully? I doubt it ....


Friday, June 16, 2006


Saturday, June 17 and and Sunday, June 18, 2006
10 am - 6 pm. Free.

The country’s original outdoor arts & crafts festival celebrates its 52nd anniversary with
Juried Arts & Crafts Exhibitions and Sales, Celebrity Pizza Toss, Live Entertainment Stages with Alternative, Rhythm & Blues, Latin Rock, Pop Rock, Reggae, Salsa and Swing, Cooking Stage, Celebrity Chefs, Assisi Animal Blessings (2:00 pm, both days, Vallejo/ Columbus), Arte di Gesso (Italian street chalk art competition, 1500 block Stockton), indoor Classical Concerts, 4 pm, at National Shrine of St. Francis. Poetry Stage.

Thanks to Mayor Newsom, there will be alcohol sold adjacent to Washington Square Park and consumption is now permitted in the park. A second beer, wine and margarita garden will be located on Green at Columbus. Please join us, have fun and drink responsibly.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The Haight St. Fair was ....


But! As you know, we make the most of any siuation and turn it around to our favor, so pretty much, we grabbed beers, some grub and took our camera and went off. Here's what we got:

Nicole made a special guest appearance!

The only spot worth kicking it at was Asque Grill where they were playin the old skool reggae knocks. Lovely.

I'm not sure if I should be saying this, but Will is sort of a big deal. This is his bodyguard following him around, making sure that the Fosters in his hand is legit.

This kid is great. Absolutly fabulous. I've seen him riding around the Mission on one of those old school kick push scooters one day and just couldn't stop staring at him. He just had this lost .... goofy look to him. I wanted to adopt him right there on the spot. When I saw him at this party, I asked if we could take a picture together and he just beamed happiness. Cheeses galore! He asked me to be his girlfriend. Loves it.

Pakistan is the new black.

Full of Flava parties are the shit! This one is coming up this coming Saturday:

Slumber Party @ Kim$Billz

Got some pics from this past weekend. Witty comments are slim today, so give a kid a break. Enjoy:

Red Light Special

Snotty brats!

Mr. Hufnagel is displaying the newest trend: bifocals with no lenses. It's the new black.


Our beautiful Bay beats dropped and I see this flashy little contraption in Ezra's mouth all of a sudden. I'm like, "Lord, did he just pop a pill?" No my friend, he tells me, it's my thizz face accessory (he didn't actually say that .... he's way too cool for such juvenile words)

We found a Vespa outside and felt like we found gold.

Kimmy looked like a cute lil Parisian girl with her sundress. What's funny though, is that when she got up, it was tucked into the front of her panties. Oops!

Friday, June 09, 2006

No Era party this Saturday June 10th with Huf, Brooklyn Projects, Grey One, Foreign Family, Medium Fits and Red Clay.

Poleng Lounge
1751 Fulton St.
Frisco Baby!

Break out you best head piece and get tappered, it's about to be lovely.


Hey! Dir-day! Baby, I got yo money, don't you worry, say hey!

Sunday, August 6th @ CONCORD PAVILION

WU-TANG CLAN - Tribute to ODB
MURS 3:16

This show is about to be phenomenal, especially with the ODB tribute by the Wu. Eeeeek! I can't wait!


Sunday, 6/29/06 @ 11am

The months of May and June are simply the best time to be out in the City, because yet another street fair is popping up this weekend:

The 29th annual Haight St. Fair

The last time I went to this thing, I think I was about 16 or 17 yrs old and I got really claustrophobic from all the crazies that had taken over the once anti-mainstream location. As we all know, Haight St. was pretty much the birth place of the 1960s "for peace" revolution. Everyone dropping acid, having tons of sex to create a new generation that "will fight the power" and girls running around butt naked with daisies in their hair. Some of the people from this generation (a lot of them whom are now our parents) still linger in the Haight area, never wanting to face reality or respond to the requirements assigned by modern society. To adapt, a lot of them own shops which sell pipes and 1960s hippie memorabilia, but in my opinion, they're just profiting off of tourism, not actually keeping the dream alive.

Haight St. is also now predominantly the home of runaways. Mid-west farm kids come out here thinking that Haight St. still carries it's authenticity and people will open their homes to them, give them guidance on how to change the world and hopefully figure out who they are. Upon arrival is a rude awakening waiting to slap the shit out of them. Thier first night here is on a dirty, soiled cement block and they realize that Haight St. is not focused on helping your fellow brother, but tourism and well, shopping. Suddenly broke and homeless, they simply become street kids. They get all tattooed and pierced the fuck up, dabble in drugs and randomly find stray dogs they can adopt. Seriously.

Mayor Newson created a specific program geared towards clearing these kids out. If you go to City Hall and tell them you followed the Hippie Trail across the US and are now a lost soul, they let you make one phone call to mommy and daddy and give you a free bus ticket to go where ever you need to go. Go home baby. Get the fuck out.

Despite my soap box moment, I am still going to the fair because it brings out every different kind of city folk, which can be really rejuvinating. I can be out in the sun, see old friends, get drunk, eat tons of yummy food and get hit on my cute break-dancers. Honestly, I'm a little nervous about all the dirtiness and rubbing elbows, but that's a street fair for ya. Holla.

Peace out man.


Wednesday, June 07, 2006

I'm so hung over, my god.

The Brown Babies are paying us a lil visit out here in the Yay Area and joining forces with Huf and Mama to bring you ....

I'm a little surprised my Good Girls aren't reppin on this flyer, but whtevs. It'll be a fabulous soiree either way. Holla! Holla!


Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Yes I'm a minor computer retard, but I can pretty much get down with any amateur functioning program, but this aint where it's at. Sorry my posts have been delayed ...

Anyway, the East Coast biotches we know and love aka MOB are having another get down tonight, so come out and support if you're an NYC resident!

It's a rainin' game in Northern California,


Friday, June 02, 2006


I've been a stranger, I know my lil dumplings, but don't you worry! I'm here to give you all the beautiful shots of KimBillz, Cherrie and Asa's birthday bashes. Here we go:


The Kim sisters

Thizz facin' Asa

Beats thrown down by Trackademicks and Tap 1o (sorry boo, couldn't catch a shot of you!)

The bossy crowd

Youngsters Unite: Kahim, Kimmy and Dubb

Mega and his pouty steez (why that girl gotta be all up in him like that?)

The forever cutie pie Jammon!

Alicia rockin the new MAMA gear

We all about biophocals and bitches, ya dig?

See? Biphocals and bitches.

LOST: Kamal's stunna shades. If found, please call his mama

Co-creators of MAMA Clothing, Gabriella and husband Ali made a special appearance.


He can die a happy man now.

Ok, once Eugene starts with the dread shakin' it means Track dropped the "Tell Me When to Go" remix and we kinda go bizurk...GUARENTEED.

I don't know who this dude is, but he was camera ready EVERY time. I've never seen so many different kinds of thizz faces on one person. Yee!

My Killah Kieth.

... and the our last ciggy break before we say farewell. Good night!

Now we have the Mob Deep show which surprisingly, wasn't as big or hyped up as the Lupe Fiasco show, but at any rate, we had a blast!

Janelle and Lauren sandwhich

Good Girl/Huf Boyz mash up. It's beauty!!

Tony always has the BEST shirts! You can't tell, but he's wearing the Ragged Versace piece from Crooks&Castles with the Huf head piece. Holla Holla!

Bday girl Cherrie gettin down with her bad self

Abdul ragged out Pakistani style

I'm really not a lesbian. Really.

Our favorite MILF, Sam!

Too much fun is never enough

The beezies brushin thier shoulders off

The best Oreo cookie you've ever seen. Ha! I crack myself up ...

CLEARLY, it's time to go home before we start doin' ummmm ..... bad things. Wait, where's Lauren? Tony looks a lil lost.


Have a great weekend everyone and enjoy the sun!