Tuesday, December 12, 2006

TONIGHT! Vice Magazine DVD Release

"The Vice Guide to Travel DVD takes fearless Vice editors, writers and jokesters to get their passports stamped in the anti-paradises of the world, chasing down the last remaining (cannibal) blood line of the Third Reich in Paraguay, hunting for shit-you-not dinosaurs in the Congo, and souvenir shopping the black markets of Bulgaria for AKs and, (dunh dunh dunh) nuclear weaponry. Vice co-founder Shane Smith finds his way into a checkout line to purchase a dirty bomb capable of devastating an entire city and rendering it uninhabitable for decades in the ultra-literal capitalist market of Sofia. If you still want for something a little less sleep depriving, click your way over to the bonus features and watch David Cross hate on China and eat a puppy while the Steelers win the Super Bowl. So much for traveling for traveling's sake." - The Fader Magazine:
12 Galaxies
2565 Mission Street btw 21st and 22nd Streets
San Francisco, CA
9pm - $0

It's free bitches!

♥ Hella Caitlin ♥


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