Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Many of life's lessons seem to be dropping into my lap one right after the other recently, and it's so damn exhausting yet enlightening. I won't go into detail, but let's just say it has to do with the police and my new case number, hosptial visits and dishonest/disloyal "friends". Who, by the way, can all kiss my ass.

I know I shouldn't complain about life's everyday conundrums, because there are far worst things going on in this world (*cough* Lebonan *cough*) but I just want to put out there that I'm currently on a strict diet of NO smoking, NO alcohol, NO red meat (sorry Ed, that includes you till further notice) and a minimum amount of sugar. My point in telling you this is that I'm going to be a bitch, so if you don't like it, well toodle loo ass wipe. I love ya, but if you can't stick it out, then there's the door.

That's it.

One day down, thirty more to go.



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